Bible Cross References
Psalm 68:30
Rebuke Egypt, that wild animal in the reeds; rebuke the nations, that herd of bulls with their calves, until they all bow down and offer you their silver. Scatter those people who love to make war!
Jeremiah 50:11
The LORD says, "People of Babylonia, you plundered my nation. You are happy and glad, going about like a cow threshing grain or like a neighing horse,
Deuteronomy 32:14
Their cows and goats gave plenty of milk; they had the best sheep, goats, and cattle, the finest wheat, and the choicest wine.
Deuteronomy 32:15
"The LORD's people grew rich, but rebellious; they were fat and stuffed with food. They abandoned God their Creator and rejected their mighty savior.
Isaiah 34:7
The people will fall like wild oxen and young bulls, and the earth will be red with blood and covered with fat.
Ezekiel 39:18
They are to eat the bodies of soldiers and drink the blood of the rulers of the earth, all of whom will be killed like rams or lambs or goats or fat bulls.
Amos 4:1-3
Listen to this, you women of Samaria, who grow fat like the well-fed cows of Bashan, who mistreat the weak, oppress the poor, and demand that your husbands keep you supplied with liquor!
As the Sovereign LORD is holy, he has promised, "The days will come when they will drag you away with hooks; every one of you will be like a fish on a hook.
You will be dragged to the nearest break in the wall and thrown out."
Matthew 27:1
Early in the morning all the chief priests and the elders made their plans against Jesus to put him to death.
Acts 4:27
For indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together in this city with the Gentiles and the people of Israel against Jesus, your holy Servant, whom you made Messiah.
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