Bible Cross References
this great
Psalm 95:4
He rules over the whole earth, from the deepest caves to the highest hills.
Psalm 95:5
He rules over the sea, which he made; the land also, which he himself formed.
Genesis 1:20-22
Then God commanded, "Let the water be filled with many kinds of living beings, and let the air be filled with birds."
So God created the great sea monsters, all kinds of creatures that live in the water, and all kinds of birds. And God was pleased with what he saw.
He blessed them all and told the creatures that live in the water to reproduce and to fill the sea, and he told the birds to increase in number.
Genesis 1:28-22
Deuteronomy 33:14-16
May their land be blessed with sun-ripened fruit, Rich with the best fruits of each season.
May their ancient hills be covered with choice fruit.
May their land be filled with all that is good, Blessed by the goodness of the LORD, Who spoke from the burning bush. May these blessings come to the tribe of Joseph, Because he was the leader among his brothers.
Deuteronomy 33:19-16
Genesis 3:1
Now the snake was the most cunning animal that the LORD God had made. The snake asked the woman, "Did God really tell you not to eat fruit from any tree in the garden?"
Acts 28:5
But Paul shook the snake off into the fire without being harmed at all.