Bible Cross References
1 Kings 15:13-24
He removed his grandmother Maacah from her position as queen mother, because she had made an obscene idol of the fertility goddess Asherah. Asa cut down the idol and burned it in Kidron Valley.
Even though Asa did not destroy all the pagan places of worship, he remained faithful to the LORD all his life.
He placed in the Temple all the objects his father had dedicated to God, as well as the gold and silver objects that he himself dedicated.
King Asa of Judah and King Baasha of Israel were constantly at war with each other as long as they were in power.
Baasha invaded Judah and started to fortify Ramah in order to cut off all traffic in and out of Judah.
So King Asa took all the silver and gold that was left in the Temple and the palace, and sent it by some of his officials to Damascus, to King Benhadad of Syria, the son of Tabrimmon and grandson of Hezion, with this message:
"Let us be allies, as our fathers were. This silver and gold is a present for you. Now break your alliance with King Baasha of Israel, so that he will have to pull his troops out of my territory."
King Benhadad agreed to Asa's proposal and sent his commanding officers and their armies to attack the cities of Israel. They captured Ijon, Dan, Abel Beth Maacah, the area near Lake Galilee, and the whole territory of Naphtali.
When King Baasha heard what had happened, he stopped fortifying Ramah and went to Tirzah.
Then King Asa sent out an order throughout all of Judah requiring everyone, without exception, to help carry away from Ramah the stones and timber that Baasha had been using to fortify it. With this material Asa fortified Mizpah and Geba, a city in the territory of Benjamin.
Everything else that King Asa did, his brave deeds and the towns he fortified, are all recorded in The History of the Kings of Judah.But in his old age he was crippled by a foot disease.
Asa died and was buried in the royal tombs in David's City, and his son Jehoshaphat succeeded him as king.
the mother
1 Kings 15:2
and he ruled three years in Jerusalem. His mother was Maacah, the daughter of Absalom.
1 Kings 15:10
and he ruled forty-one years in Jerusalem. His grandmother was Maacah, the daughter of Absalom.
he removed
2 Chronicles 14:3-5
He removed the foreign altars and the pagan places of worship, broke down the sacred stone columns, and cut down the symbols of the goddess Asherah.
He commanded the people of Judah to do the will of the LORD, the God of their ancestors, and to obey his teachings and commands.
Because he abolished the pagan places of worship and the incense altars from all the cities of Judah, the kingdom was at peace under his rule.
Exodus 32:27
and he said to them, "The LORD God of Israel commands every one of you to put on your sword and go through the camp from this gate to the other and kill your brothers, your friends, and your neighbors."
Exodus 32:28
The Levites obeyed, and killed about three thousand men that day.
Deuteronomy 13:6-8
"Even your brother or your son or your daughter or the wife you love or your closest friend may secretly encourage you to worship other gods, gods that you and your ancestors have never worshiped.
Some of them may encourage you to worship the gods of the people who live near you or the gods of those who live far away.
But do not let any of them persuade you; do not even listen to them. Show them no mercy or pity, and do not protect them.
Deuteronomy 33:9
They showed greater loyalty to you Than to parents, brothers, or children. They obeyed your commands And were faithful to your covenant.
Zechariah 13:3
Then if anyone still insists on prophesying, his own father and mother will tell him that he must be put to death, because he claimed to speak the LORD's word, but spoke lies instead. When he prophesies, his own father and mother will stab him to death.
Mark 3:21
When his family heard about it, they set out to take charge of him, because people were saying, "He's gone mad!"
Mark 3:31-35
Then Jesus' mother and brothers arrived. They stood outside the house and sent in a message, asking for him.
A crowd was sitting around Jesus, and they said to him, "Look, your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside, and they want you."
Jesus answered, "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?"
He looked at the people sitting around him and said, "Look! Here are my mother and my brothers!
Whoever does what God wants is my brother, my sister, my mother."
2 Corinthians 5:16
No longer, then, do we judge anyone by human standards. Even if at one time we judged Christ according to human standards, we no longer do so.
cut down
2 Chronicles 14:3-5
He removed the foreign altars and the pagan places of worship, broke down the sacred stone columns, and cut down the symbols of the goddess Asherah.
He commanded the people of Judah to do the will of the LORD, the God of their ancestors, and to obey his teachings and commands.
Because he abolished the pagan places of worship and the incense altars from all the cities of Judah, the kingdom was at peace under his rule.
2 Chronicles 34:7
Throughout the territory of the Northern Kingdom he smashed the altars and the symbols of Asherah, ground the idols to dust, and broke into bits all the incense altars. Then he returned to Jerusalem.
Exodus 32:20
He took the bull-calf which they had made, melted it, ground it into fine powder, and mixed it with water. Then he made the people of Israel drink it.
Leviticus 26:30
I will destroy your places of worship on the hills, tear down your incense altars, and throw your dead bodies on your fallen idols. In utter disgust
Deuteronomy 7:5
So then, tear down their altars, break their sacred stone pillars in pieces, cut down their symbols of the goddess Asherah, and burn their idols.
Deuteronomy 7:25
Burn their idols. Do not desire the silver or gold that is on them, and do not take it for yourselves. If you do, that will be fatal, because the LORD hates idolatry.
Deuteronomy 7:26
Do not bring any of these idols into your homes, or the same curse will be on you that is on them. You must hate and despise these idols, because they are under the LORD's curse.
Deuteronomy 9:21
I took that sinful thing that you had made---that metal bull-calf---and threw it into the fire. Then I broke it in pieces, ground it to dust, and threw the dust into the stream that flowed down the mountain.
1 Kings 15:14-24
Even though Asa did not destroy all the pagan places of worship, he remained faithful to the LORD all his life.
He placed in the Temple all the objects his father had dedicated to God, as well as the gold and silver objects that he himself dedicated.
King Asa of Judah and King Baasha of Israel were constantly at war with each other as long as they were in power.
Baasha invaded Judah and started to fortify Ramah in order to cut off all traffic in and out of Judah.
So King Asa took all the silver and gold that was left in the Temple and the palace, and sent it by some of his officials to Damascus, to King Benhadad of Syria, the son of Tabrimmon and grandson of Hezion, with this message:
"Let us be allies, as our fathers were. This silver and gold is a present for you. Now break your alliance with King Baasha of Israel, so that he will have to pull his troops out of my territory."
King Benhadad agreed to Asa's proposal and sent his commanding officers and their armies to attack the cities of Israel. They captured Ijon, Dan, Abel Beth Maacah, the area near Lake Galilee, and the whole territory of Naphtali.
When King Baasha heard what had happened, he stopped fortifying Ramah and went to Tirzah.
Then King Asa sent out an order throughout all of Judah requiring everyone, without exception, to help carry away from Ramah the stones and timber that Baasha had been using to fortify it. With this material Asa fortified Mizpah and Geba, a city in the territory of Benjamin.
Everything else that King Asa did, his brave deeds and the towns he fortified, are all recorded in The History of the Kings of Judah.But in his old age he was crippled by a foot disease.
Asa died and was buried in the royal tombs in David's City, and his son Jehoshaphat succeeded him as king.
2 Kings 23:6
He removed from the Temple the symbol of the goddess Asherah, took it out of the city to Kidron Valley, burned it, pounded its ashes to dust, and scattered it over the public burying ground.
2 Kings 23:12
The altars which the kings of Judah had built on the palace roof above King Ahaz' quarters, King Josiah tore down, along with the altars put up by King Manasseh in the two courtyards of the Temple; he smashed the altars to bits and threw them into Kidron Valley.
2 Kings 23:15
Josiah also tore down the place of worship in Bethel, which had been built by King Jeroboam son of Nebat, who led Israel into sin. Josiah pulled down the altar, broke its stones into pieces, and pounded them to dust; he also burned the image of Asherah.
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