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Cher at ISU Sept. 27: As Bro Jed was sitting and waiting for the next passing, two girls came up to talk with him. One of them, Cher, said that she had prayed today for the forgiveness of sins as a result of the preaching yesterday. She was wearing a skirt over her yoga pants. She had spent considerable time listening to our preaching.
Julia, ISU Sept. 26: While Ryan was speaking, Julia approached Bro. Jed shaking, crying and with her nose bleeding. She sobbed, “I need help.” “How can I help you?” Jed asked. “I need to change my life,” she answered. He said let’s pray together. He led her in a prayer of repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. She seemed comforted.
Brian M. at UW Madison Oct.13: Brian, alum of UW, who has heard Bro. Jed since the 80’s, argued with him concerning political issues. Jed also talked with a clean-cut freshman, who was raised Catholic but now is an atheist; Jed gave him the teleological and moral arguments for God. Both men were attentive. After hearing Jed dialogue with the freshman, Brian, who has always worn a Lenin hat, apologized for arguing. Jed presented unto him the Gospel. He said, he wanted to accept Christ. Charles C. and Jed led him in a sinner’s prayer. We had opportunity for further ministry to Brian when we returned the next day and we also connected him with a local pastor who set up regular Bible studies with the new believer.
Four Students at University of Indianapolis, Oct. 7: Bro. R.W. prayed with two students for salvation and one to rededicate his life to the Lord. Bro. Frank also prayed with a student to repent and follow Jesus. Both Frank and R.W. were enrolled in the Jedite School of Evangelism
Garrett at IUPUI Oct. 5: Garrett, who had heard the preaching several times this semester approached Sis. Cindy and Bro. Mikhail. He had been reading the Bible and was seeking the Lord. Sis. Cindy took him through the first 20 verses of John 3 and Garrett prayed to be born again through faith in our Lord Jesus.
Three Boys at University of Illinois: Oct 2 During the course of the day, Vijay, a SOE student, had three students agree with the Gospel and promise to get right with God.
Cough Syrup Addict, IUPUI Aug. 29: Bro Cope he prayed with a professing Christian for deliverance from an addiction of drinking two bottles of cough medicine daily.
Three Facebook Followers, Oct. 6: Bro Cope received the following message: "I have joined the church. You cannot believe me but I have had a life changing experience and I am trying to find healing. I will take your ideas to heart." This semester Bro has seen two other Facebook followers come to faith.
Student, Ind. Univ. Oct. 7: Bro. Mikhail spoke to a student about the Lord and Christianity for some time; then the student got up and shook Mikhail’s hand and said YOU CHANGED MY MIND!
David at Colorado College Oct. 24: David, an American/Iranian 18 year old freshman, talked with Sister Pat or Sister Cindy for most of the afternoon. He had an experience sensing the presence of the Lord in some Orthodox icons while visiting Russia. He has been attending Orthodox services. The Orthodox instructed him to wait for a year to be baptized in order to receive teaching. After 3 PM Cindy asked him, “What if you die before then?” She pressed him that he could repent and have his sins forgiven now. He said, “I don’t know how?” Cindy gave him instructions as to what he must do to be saved. He then extended his hands and started to pray according to what Cindy directed. Cindy then laid hands upon him and prayed and gave him further teaching to which he responded. A number of students, who had been observing at a distance, moved closer while we were praying.
Chinese at CSUOct. 26: We missed the noon break; nevertheless, Sister Pat stood up and asked students as they were passing, “Are you a Christian?” One Asian answered, “I am a Buddhist.” Pat replied, “Have you heard of Jesus?” He answered, “Yes, my roommate told me about him. I am interested.” Sister Pat explained the gospel. She asked, “Would you like to become a Christian?” He answered in the affirmative, so Pat led him in a prayer of repentance and faith.” Sis. Pat gave Jake a Bible. Bro. Jed also talked with him and got his contact info to pass on to campus ministers.
Atheist at CSUOct. 26: A girl responded to Sister Pat by saying, “I have studied the world religions; I am an atheist.” The more Pat talked about Jesus the more open to the gospel she became, until Pat prayed with her to receive Christ as her Lord and Savior. Pat also ministered to a Tajikistan student who received the Gospel. Then he made a recording of her message of faith to send to a radio station in his country.
Three at Iowa University, Oct. 18 & 19: Bro. Jed finished the day at 6 PM teaching on seeking God with one’s whole heart as the path to finding God. One boy had conviction on his face so Jed inquired if anyone wanted to be saved. The boy said, “I have been baptized, but I want to be saved.” Jed led him in a sinner’s prayer in front of the remaining crowd. As Bro. Jed was getting his stuff together to leave, a Catholic said he was not assured of his salvation so Jed led him in a prayer of repentance and faith. Sister Pat and Jed left an audience of 10 with Bro. Vijay. We give a lot of credit to him that we had the two souls saved. Jeff, whom Sister Pat prayed with for salvation yesterday, walked her back to the car.
Tyler, University of Colorado Oct. 28th: Tyler originally heard Ruben preach on the Hollywood strip as an employee of the night clubs. He liked the excitement and he has been following the preachers for several years. He is Jewish by birth. Last year, Cindy and Bro. Jed had conversations with him at UC. Mikhail and Bro Cope talked with him Tuesday and Wednesday. Today, Cindy and Jed again had long talks with him; he is full of questions. After Sister Pat witnessed to him for a while, she asked, “Do you want to get saved?” He answered, “Yes.” Pat said, “If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved.” He then made his confession through prayer. Pat told him to read about the Holy Ghost in John 14 and 16. She gave him her Bible. Later, Tyler texted Cindy saying that he had read his assignment and had questions concerning prayer and the Holy Spirit. We contacted Ruben concerning Tyler’s salvation. Ruben responded, “Praise the Lord. Thank you for reaping that fruit as per John 4:38. Tell Tyler welcome to the family. I rejoice with the angels.” Ruben has always said, “Brother Jed is the day shift; I am the night shift. In this case the night shift sowed the seed; the day shift reaped the harvest.
Two at Asbury University, Sis. Pat prayed with a girl named Charlotte. Sis. Cindy prayed with a girl who came out of the crowd crying; she seemed repentant for cutting herself and for other sins.
The Four Questions
What is the origin of life?
What is the meaning of life?
What is the source of morality?
What is our destiny?
Daily on campus we tell the students that any religion or philosophy has to answer the questions of origin, meaning, morals...
Since November 3, we have heard from fake news of President Trump “ranting and raging” in the WH. They say that he is “unhinged” and “losing his mind,” etc, etc. These are based on “anonymous...
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