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That Glorious Song of Old

A constant theme of the traditional Christmas Carols is the joyous news. How can men of good will be in a state of depression, when the news of “peace on earth and good will towards men” has been broadcast by angels?

Are not angels still “bending near the earth” to communicate with men on clear nights, when their thoughts are directed above instead of below? Our concentration should be on eternal matters, especially during this season of Advent.

The peace that the angels proclaimed does not mainly speak of a lack of strife between nations but it sings of an inner peace within the hearts and minds of the faithful. There is little that we as individuals can do to stop nations at war. But we do have the choice of striving to make peace with those within our family, social and business circles.

On a clear night as you lay your head in “solemn stillness,” remember that to hear the joyful song and to be jubilant we need to also be solemn, serious, and in earnest. In the midst of our joy over our salvation, the blessed will mourn over the lost state of a Christ rejecting world. But it will be a comforting joy, found on the hope of Christ’s second advent.

The joy of the Lord is not light or frivolous, but a state of mind of gladness and blessedness.

Hearken unto the voice of your conscience. Is there anyone against whom you have ill will? If so, the unforgiving spirit can rob you of your joy and peace.

Are you warring against the convicting power of the Holy Ghost? Surrender to him now! He is a “all gracious King.”

Finally, at Jesus second coming, he will bring peace between the nations and the “whole world will send back the song, which now the angles sing.”

Gladly, we do not have to wait until an obscure future date. Sing now! Get out your old hymnal and sing back, this glorious song of old. Sing it over and over until you are refreshed from your state of gloom.

Alas, I know of no new song that comes close to capturing the glory that is Christmas as “It Came Upon The Midnight Clear,” written 169 years ago.


That Glorious Songs of Old

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