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Leaving On a Jet Plane

Some of the objection and even resentment of Jesse Duplantis spending 54 million on a jet air plane is a failure of people and Christians in particular to either understand or appreciate basic principles of economics, especially as it relates to capitalism and investment. Folks we are not talking about a zero-sum socialist game, where one person’s gain is another person’s loss. Or as other critics of capitalism put it, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.”

Value is not an arbitrary sum determined by fiat nor is it determined by the labor involved in producing something as Marx taught. Real value is all in your mind. It is how much you want something. And the way to determine how much you desire something is to see what you are willing to trade for it. Jesse wants the plane badly and he claims that Jesus wants him to have it, Jesse is willing to trade 54 million dollars for the desire of his heart.

If two parties trade, both voluntarily, obviously, both parties think that their wealth increased. If they didn't, they wouldn't have willingly traded. And if both sides think they got more value than they gave up, then, since it is all in their head anyway, they did! And BINGO! wealth is increased.

Jesse or at least his ministry will be richer if he gets the funds to buy his jet. When he pays Dassault Aircraft 54 million, Dassault will think they got the best of the deal in that they would prefer to have the money than the plane or an inactive assembly line and Jesse thinks he got the best of the transaction because he would prefer the plane to the dollars.

Think of all the jobs Dassault is providing for its workers, since Jesse wants his jet. The laborers and technicians now have more money to buy their modes of transportation, perhaps they will purchase some American made trucks.

Think of the job Jesse provides for his pilot and his mechanic to take care of the plane. The hamper where he stores the plane will profit. Jesse claims he will save money by not having to make additional fuel stops by landing in parts of the world where fuel is more expensive.

Jesse’s saving is gain for the American economy and for the gas and oil companies, thus helping to make America wealthy again, which could result in Trump getting reelected. Everybody, is thinker bigger now that we have a builder instead of a socialist who never creates any wealth but merely redistributes existing wealth.

Jesse will be able to travel with his team of musicians and other helpers to his ministry thus providing them jobs and opportunities to be a blessing and save more souls wherever he flies.

I could go on and on concerning the wealth that is going to be created by Jesse getting his jet. So, don’t deny Jesse his blessing; it will create wealth and I will take wealth over poverty any day. Hey, I might end up talking myself into sending an offering. On the second thought, maybe the Lord is saying something about a jet to me; I need to start listening more carefully.

Jesse Duplantis

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The Four Questions

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