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Cussing Preachers

There has been a controversy on my newsfeed concerning “cussing preachers.”

One of the things that separates man from the animal kingdom is our wonderful gift of the language arts. We have the ability to express great thoughts and ideas with words. “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.” God spoke and it was done. Our words also have creative powers. So, we should choose our words carefully. We can make or break another person’s day by the words we speak.

Sinners on campus are often incapable of speaking a few sentences without the use of four letter offensive words, which are intended not to edify but put down those with whom they disagree. Their working vocabulary is limited.

Occasionally, some preachers use a cuss word or vulgarity for effect or shock value as a turnaround or to gain more attention. However, I would think that this only be done rarely, if at all. In the below pictures sinners are either directing their curse words against God or their fellow man for selfish reasons and for loss of temper, which is always wrong. God considers our motives more than our actual words. We should not curse those whom God has blessed; nor should we bless whom God has cursed.

One should always take into consideration his audience and the setting. For instance, one should not use questionable words in church or among children or the presence of ladies of whom I fear there are few these days. Women have often become fouler than men. Personally, I find such crude expressions as “pissed off” objectionable or the even use of “butt” instead of buttocks. But then I am of the older generation.

Those who believe that they have the liberty to use questionable language should be understanding of those who are reticent or have scruples against such terms. I do not consider the use of occasional cuss words as a reason to part company or even be overly critical.

We all have our quirks and different ideas as to certain behaviors we might or might not condone. Among those who have been arguing over this issue there does not even seem to be agreement as to what words are permissible and what ones are not.

Loss of TemperCussing
Traffic Anger

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