Bible Cross References
unto Isaac
Genesis 25:24-26
The time came for her to give birth, and she had twin sons.
The first one was reddish, and his skin was like a hairy robe, so he was named Esau.
The second one was born holding on tightly to the heel of Esau, so he was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when they were born.
unto Esau
Genesis 32:3
Jacob sent messengers ahead of him to his brother Esau in the country of Edom.
Genesis 36:8
So Esau lived in the hill country of Edom.
Deuteronomy 2:5
but you must not start a war with them, because I am not going to give you so much as a square foot of their land. I have given Edom to Esau's descendants.
Genesis 46:1-7
Jacob packed up all he had and went to Beersheba, where he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac.
God spoke to him in a vision at night and called, "Jacob, Jacob!" "Yes, here I am," he answered.
"I am God, the God of your father," he said. "Do not be afraid to go to Egypt; I will make your descendants a great nation there.
I will go with you to Egypt, and I will bring your descendants back to this land. Joseph will be with you when you die."
Jacob set out from Beersheba. His sons put him, their small children, and their wives in the wagons which the king of Egypt had sent.
They took their livestock and the possessions they had acquired in Canaan and went to Egypt. Jacob took all his descendants with him:
his sons, his grandsons, his daughters, and his granddaughters.
Psalm 105:23
Then Jacob went to Egypt and settled in that country.
Acts 7:15
Then Jacob went to Egypt, where he and his sons died.
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