Bible Cross References
the Lord
Joshua 11:23
Joshua captured the whole land, as the LORD had commanded Moses. Joshua gave it to the Israelites as their own and divided it into portions, one for each tribe. So the people rested from war.
Joshua 21:44
The LORD gave them peace throughout the land, just as he had promised their ancestors. Not one of all their enemies had been able to stand against them, because the LORD gave the Israelites the victory over all their enemies.
Joshua 22:4
Now, as he promised, the LORD your God has given the other Israelites peace. So go back home to the land which you claimed for your own, the land on the east side of the Jordan, that Moses, the LORD's servant, gave you.
Psalm 46:9
He stops wars all over the world; he breaks bows, destroys spears, and sets shields on fire.
waxed old
Joshua 13:1
Joshua was now very old. The LORD said to him, "You are very old, but there is still much land to be taken:
Genesis 25:8
Deuteronomy 31:2
and said, "I am now a hundred and twenty years old and am no longer able to be your leader. And besides this, the LORD has told me that I will not cross the Jordan.
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