Bible Cross References
he hath violently
Psalm 80:12
Why did you break down the fences around it? Now anyone passing by can steal its grapes;
Psalm 89:40
You have torn down the walls of his city and left his forts in ruins.
Isaiah 5:5
"Here is what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge around it, break down the wall that protects it, and let wild animals eat it and trample it down.
Isaiah 63:18
We, your holy people, were driven out by our enemies for a little while; they trampled down your sanctuary.
Isaiah 64:11
and our Temple, the sacred and beautiful place where our ancestors praised you, has been destroyed by fire. All the places we loved are in ruins.
as if
Isaiah 1:8
Jerusalem alone is left, a city under siege---as defenseless as a guard's hut in a vineyard or a shed in a cucumber field.
Lamentations 1:4
No one comes to the Temple now to worship on the holy days. The young women who sang there suffer, and the priests can only groan. The city gates stand empty, and Zion is in agony.
Zephaniah 3:18
as joyful as people at a festival." The LORD says, "I have ended the threat of doom and taken away your disgrace.
the king
Lamentations 4:16
The LORD had no more concern for them; he scattered them himself. He showed no regard for our priests and leaders.
Lamentations 4:20
They captured the source of our life, the king the LORD had chosen, the one we had trusted to protect us from every invader.
Lamentations 5:12
Our leaders have been taken and hanged; our elders are shown no respect.
Isaiah 43:28
and your rulers profaned my sanctuary. So I brought destruction on Israel; I let my own people be insulted."
Jeremiah 52:11-27
After that, he had Zedekiah's eyes put out and had him placed in chains and taken to Babylon. Zedekiah remained in prison in Babylon until the day he died.
On the tenth day of the fifth month of the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia, Nebuzaradan, adviser to the king and commander of his army, entered Jerusalem.
He burned down the Temple, the palace, and the houses of all the important people in Jerusalem;
and his soldiers tore down the city walls.
Then Nebuzaradan took away to Babylonia the people who were left in the city, the remaining skilled workers, and those who had deserted to the Babylonians.
But he left in Judah some of the poorest people, who owned no property, and he put them to work in the vineyards and fields.
The Babylonians broke in pieces the bronze columns and the carts that were in the Temple, together with the large bronze tank, and they took all the bronze to Babylon.
They also took away the shovels and the ash containers used in cleaning the altar, the tools used in tending the lamps, the bowls used for catching the blood from the sacrifices, the bowls used for burning incense, and all the other bronze articles used in the Temple service.
They took away everything that was made of gold or silver: the small bowls, the pans used for carrying live coals, the bowls for holding the blood from the sacrifices, the ash containers, the lampstands, the bowls used for incense, and the bowls used for pouring out wine offerings.
The bronze objects that King Solomon had made for the Temple---the two columns, the carts, the large tank, and the twelve bulls that supported it---were too heavy to weigh.
The two columns were identical: each one was 27 feet high and 18 feet around. They were hollow, and the metal was 3 inches thick. On top of each column was a bronze capital 7 1/2 feet high, and all around it was a grillwork decorated with pomegranates, all of which was also made of bronze.
(SEE 52:21)
On the grillwork of each column there were a hundred pomegranates in all, and ninety-six of these were visible from the ground.
In addition, Nebuzaradan, the commanding officer, took away as prisoners Seraiah the High Priest, Zephaniah the priest next in rank, and the three other important Temple officials.
From the city he took the officer who had been in command of the troops, seven of the king's personal advisers who were still in the city, the commander's assistant, who was in charge of military records, and sixty other important men.
Nebuzaradan took them to the king of Babylonia, who was in the city of Riblah
in the territory of Hamath. There the king had them beaten and put to death. So the people of Judah were carried away from their land into exile.
Ezekiel 12:12
The prince who is ruling them will shoulder his pack in the dark and escape through a hole that they dig for him in the wall. He will cover his eyes and not see where he is going.
Ezekiel 12:13
But I will spread out my net and trap him in it. Then I will take him to the city of Babylon, where he will die without having seen it.
Ezekiel 17:18
He broke his oath and the treaty he had made. He did all these things, and now he will not escape."
Malachi 2:9
So I, in turn, will make the people of Israel despise you because you do not obey my will, and when you teach my people, you do not treat everyone alike."
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