Bible Cross References
Psalm 2:6
"On Zion, my sacred hill," he says, "I have installed my king."
Psalm 93:1
The LORD is king. He is clothed with majesty and strength. The earth is set firmly in place and cannot be moved.
Psalm 96:10
Say to all the nations, "The LORD is king! The earth is set firmly in place and cannot be moved; he will judge the peoples with justice."
Psalm 97:1
The LORD is king! Earth, be glad! Rejoice, you islands of the seas!
Luke 19:12
So he said, "There was once a man of high rank who was going to a country far away to be made king, after which he planned to come back home.
Luke 19:14
Now, his own people hated him, and so they sent messengers after him to say, 'We don't want this man to be our king.'
Revelation 11:17
saying: "Lord God Almighty, the one who is and who was! We thank you that you have taken your great power and have begun to rule!
Psalm 2:11
Serve the LORD with fear; tremble
Psalm 2:12
and bow down to him; or else his anger will be quickly aroused, and you will suddenly die. Happy are all who go to him for protection.
Psalm 21:8
The king will capture all his enemies; he will capture everyone who hates him.
Psalm 21:9
He will destroy them like a blazing fire when he appears. The LORD will devour them in his anger, and fire will consume them.
Psalm 97:4
His lightning lights up the world; the earth sees it and trembles.
Luke 19:27
Now, as for those enemies of mine who did not want me to be their king, bring them here and kill them in my presence!' "
Philippians 2:12
So then, dear friends, as you always obeyed me when I was with you, it is even more important that you obey me now while I am away from you. Keep on working with fear and trembling to complete your salvation,
he sitteth
Psalm 18:10
He flew swiftly on his winged creature; he traveled on the wings of the wind.
Psalm 80:1
Listen to us, O Shepherd of Israel; hear us, leader of your flock. Seated on your throne above the winged creatures,
Exodus 25:22
I will meet you there, and from above the lid between the two winged creatures I will give you all my laws for the people of Israel.
Ezekiel 10:1-22
I looked at the dome over the heads of the living creatures and above them was something that seemed to be a throne made of sapphire.
God said to the man wearing linen clothes, "Go between the wheels under the creatures and fill your hands with burning coals. Then scatter the coals over the city." I watched him go.
The creatures were standing to the south of the Temple when he went in, and a cloud filled the inner courtyard.
The dazzling light of the LORD's presence rose up from the creatures and moved to the entrance of the Temple. Then the cloud filled the Temple, and the courtyard was blazing with the light.
The noise made by the creatures' wings was heard even in the outer courtyard. It sounded like the voice of Almighty God.
When the LORD commanded the man wearing linen clothes to take some fire from between the wheels that were under the creatures, the man went in and stood by one of the wheels.
One of the creatures reached his hand into the fire that was there among them, picked up some coals, and put them in the hands of the man in linen. The man took the coals and left.
I saw that each creature had what looked like a human hand under each of its wings.
I also saw that there were four wheels, all alike, one beside each creature. The wheels shone like precious stones, and each one had another wheel which intersected it at right angles.
(SEE 10:9)
When the creatures moved, they could go in any direction without turning. They all moved together in the direction they wanted to go, without having to turn around.
Their bodies, backs, hands, wings, and wheels were covered with eyes.
I heard a voice calling out, "Whirling wheels."
Each creature had four faces. The first was the face of a bull, the second a human face, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.
(They were the same creatures that I had seen by the Chebar River.) When the creatures rose in the air
and moved, the wheels went with them. Whenever they spread their wings to fly, the wheels still went with them.
When the creatures stopped, the wheels stopped; and when the creatures flew, the wheels went with them, because the creatures controlled them.
Then the dazzling light of the LORD's presence left the entrance of the Temple and moved to a place above the creatures.
They spread their wings and flew up from the earth while I was watching, and the wheels went with them. They paused at the east gate of the Temple, and the dazzling light was over them.
I recognized them as the same creatures which I had seen beneath the God of Israel at the Chebar River.
Each of them had four faces, four wings, and what looked like a human hand under each wing.
Their faces looked exactly like the faces I had seen by the Chebar River. Each creature moved straight ahead.
Psalm 82:5
"How ignorant you are! How stupid! You are completely corrupt, and justice has disappeared from the world.
Jeremiah 4:24
I looked at the mountains---they were shaking, and the hills were rocking back and forth.
Jeremiah 5:22
I am the LORD; why don't you fear me? Why don't you tremble before me? I placed the sand as the boundary of the sea, a permanent boundary that it cannot cross. The sea may toss, but it cannot go beyond it; the waves may roar, but they cannot break through.
Jeremiah 49:21
When Edom falls, there will be such a noise that the entire earth will shake, and the cries of alarm will be heard as far away as the Gulf of Aqaba.
Jeremiah 50:46
When Babylon falls, there will be such a noise that the entire earth will shake, and the cries of alarm will be heard by the other nations."
Revelation 6:14
The sky disappeared like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.
Revelation 20:11
Then I saw a great white throne and the one who sits on it. Earth and heaven fled from his presence and were seen no more.
be moved
Isaiah 19:14
The LORD has made them give confusing advice. As a result, Egypt does everything wrong and staggers like a drunk slipping on his own vomit.
Isaiah 24:19
The earth will crack and shatter and split open.
Isaiah 24:20
The earth itself will stagger like a drunk, sway like a hut in a storm. The world is weighed down by its sins; it will collapse and never rise again.
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