Bible Cross References
Look even
Deuteronomy 17:14
"After you have taken possession of the land that the LORD your God is going to give you and have settled there, then you will decide you need a king like all the nations around you.
Deuteronomy 17:15
Be sure that the man you choose to be king is the one whom the LORD has chosen. He must be one of your own people; do not make a foreigner your king.
1 Samuel 10:24
Samuel said to the people, "Here is the man the LORD has chosen! There is no one else among us like him." All the people shouted, "Long live the king!"
1 Samuel 11:15
So they all went to Gilgal, and there at the holy place they proclaimed Saul king. They offered fellowship sacrifices, and Saul and all the people of Israel celebrated the event.
2 Samuel 2:8
The commander of Saul's army, Abner son of Ner, had fled with Saul's son Ishbosheth across the Jordan to Mahanaim.
2 Samuel 2:9
There Abner made Ishbosheth king of the territories of Gilead, Asher, Jezreel, Ephraim, and Benjamin, and indeed over all Israel.
1 Kings 1:24
Then he said, "Your Majesty, have you announced that Adonijah would succeed you as king?
1 Kings 1:25
This very day he has gone and offered a sacrifice of many bulls, sheep, and fattened calves. He invited all your sons, Joab the commander of your army, and Abiathar the priest, and right now they are feasting with him and shouting, 'Long live King Adonijah!'
1 Kings 12:20
When the people of Israel heard that Jeroboam had returned from Egypt, they invited him to a meeting of the people and made him king of Israel. Only the tribe of Judah remained loyal to David's descendants.
fight for
2 Samuel 2:12-17
Abner and the officials of Ishbosheth went from Mahanaim to the city of Gibeon.
Joab, whose mother was Zeruiah, and David's other officials met them at the pool, where they all sat down, one group on one side of the pool and the other group on the opposite side.
Abner said to Joab, "Let's have some of the young men from each side fight an armed contest." "All right," Joab answered.
So twelve men, representing Ishbosheth and the tribe of Benjamin, fought twelve of David's men.
Each man caught his opponent by the head and plunged his sword into his opponent's side, so that all twenty-four of them fell down dead together. And so that place in Gibeon is called "Field of Swords."
Then a furious battle broke out, and Abner and the Israelites were defeated by David's men.
1 Kings 12:21
When Rehoboam arrived in Jerusalem, he called together 180,000 of the best soldiers from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. He intended to go to war and restore his control over the northern tribes of Israel.
John 18:36
Jesus said, "My kingdom does not belong to this world; if my kingdom belonged to this world, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish authorities. No, my kingdom does not belong here!"
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