Bible Cross References
he slew
2 Kings 10:11
Then Jehu put to death all the other relatives of Ahab living in Jezreel, and all his officers, close friends, and priests; not one of them was left alive.
2 Kings 9:8
All of Ahab's family and descendants are to die; I will get rid of every male in his family, young and old alike.
2 Chronicles 22:8
As Jehu was carrying out God's sentence on the dynasty, he came across a group made up of Judean leaders and of Ahaziah's nephews that had accompanied Ahaziah on his visit. Jehu killed them all.
Psalm 109:8
May his life soon be ended; may someone else take his job!
Psalm 109:9
May his children become orphans, and his wife a widow!
Malachi 4:1
The LORD Almighty says, "The day is coming when all proud and evil people will burn like straw. On that day they will burn up, and there will be nothing left of them.
2 Kings 10:10
This proves that everything that the LORD said about the descendants of Ahab will come true. The LORD has done what he promised through his prophet Elijah."
2 Kings 9:25
and Jehu said to his aide Bidkar, "Get his body and throw it in the field that belonged to Naboth. Remember that when you and I were riding together behind King Joram's father Ahab, the LORD spoke these words against Ahab:
2 Kings 9:26
'I saw the murder of Naboth and his sons yesterday. And I promise that I will punish you here in this same field.' So take Joram's body," Jehu ordered his aide, "and throw it in the field that belonged to Naboth, so as to fulfill the LORD's promise."
1 Kings 21:21
So the LORD says to you, 'I will bring disaster on you. I will do away with you and get rid of every male in your family, young and old alike.
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