Bible Cross References
Now therefore divide this land for an inheritance unto the nine tribes, and the half tribe of Manasseh,
Numbers 26:53-56
"Divide the land among the tribes, according to their size.
Divide the land by drawing lots, and give a large share to a large tribe and a small one to a small tribe."
(SEE 26:54)
(SEE 26:54)
Numbers 33:54
Divide the land among the various tribes and clans by drawing lots, giving a large piece of property to a large clan and a small one to a small clan.
Numbers 32:2-14
they went to Moses, Eleazar, and the other leaders of the community and said,
"This region which the LORD has helped the Israelites occupy---the towns of Ataroth, Dibon, Jazer, Nimrah, Heshbon, Elealeh, Sibmah, Nebo, and Beon---is good land for livestock, and we have so much livestock.
(SEE 32:3)
Please give us this land as our property, and do not make us cross the Jordan River and settle there."
Moses replied, "Do you want to stay here while the other Israelites go to war?
How dare you try to discourage the people of Israel from crossing the Jordan into the land which the LORD has given them?
That is what your fathers did when I sent them from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land.
They went as far as Eshcol Valley and saw the land, but when they returned, they discouraged the people from entering the land which the LORD had given them.
The LORD became angry that day and made a promise:
'I swear that because they did not remain loyal to me, none of the men twenty years old or older who came out of Egypt will enter the land that I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.'
This included everyone, except Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite and Joshua son of Nun; they remained loyal to the LORD.
The LORD became angry with the people and made them wander in the wilderness forty years until that whole generation that had displeased him was dead.
And now you have taken your ancestors' place, a new generation of sinful people ready to bring down the fierce anger of the LORD on Israel again.
Ezekiel 47:13-23
The Sovereign LORD said, "These are the boundaries of the land that is to be divided among the twelve tribes, with the tribe of Joseph receiving two sections.
I solemnly promised your ancestors that I would give them possession of this land; now divide it equally among you.
"The northern boundary runs eastward from the Mediterranean Sea to the city of Hethlon, to Hamath Pass, to the city of Zedad,
to the cities of Berothah and Sibraim (they are located between the territory of the kingdom of Damascus and that of the kingdom of Hamath), and to the city of Ticon (located by the border of the district of Hauran).
So the northern boundary runs from the Mediterranean eastward to Enon City, with the border regions of Damascus and Hamath to the north of it.
"The eastern boundary runs south from a point between the territory of Damascus and that of Hauran, with the Jordan River forming the boundary between the land of Israel on the west and Gilead on the east, as far as Tamar on the Dead Sea.
"The southern boundary runs southwest from Tamar to the oasis of Kadesh Meribah and then northwest along the Egyptian border to the Mediterranean Sea.
"The western boundary is formed by the Mediterranean and runs north to a point west of Hamath Pass.
"Divide this land among your tribes;
it is to be your permanent possession. The foreigners who are living among you and who have had children born here are also to receive their share of the land when you divide it. They are to be treated like full Israelite citizens and are to draw lots for shares of the land along with the tribes of Israel.
All foreign residents will receive their share with the people of the tribe among whom they are living. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken."
Ezekiel 48:23-29
South of this special section, each of the remaining tribes is to receive one section of land running from the eastern boundary west to the Mediterranean Sea, in the following order from north to south: Benjamin Simeon Issachar Zebulun Gad
(SEE 48:23)
(SEE 48:23)
(SEE 48:23)
(SEE 48:23)
On the south side of the portion given to the tribe of Gad, the boundary runs southwest from Tamar to the oasis of Kadesh, and then northwest along the Egyptian border to the Mediterranean Sea.
The Sovereign LORD said, "That is the way the land is to be divided into sections for the tribes of Israel to possess."