Bible Cross References
Ezekiel 39:23-25
And the nations will know that the Israelites went into exile because of the sins which they committed against me. I turned away from them and let their enemies defeat them and kill them in battle.
I gave them what they deserved for their uncleanness and their wickedness, and I turned away from them."
The Sovereign LORD said, "But now I will be merciful to Jacob's descendants, the people of Israel, and make them prosperous again. I will protect my holy name.
Ezekiel 37:26
I will make a covenant with them that guarantees their security forever. I will establish them and increase their population, and will see to it that my Temple stands forever in their land.
Ezekiel 37:27
I will live there with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people.
Isaiah 45:17
But Israel is saved by the LORD, and her victory lasts forever; her people will never be disgraced.' "
Isaiah 54:8-10
I turned away angry for only a moment, but I will show you my love forever." So says the LORD who saves you.
"In the time of Noah I promised never again to flood the earth. Now I promise not to be angry with you again; I will not reprimand or punish you.
The mountains and hills may crumble, but my love for you will never end; I will keep forever my promise of peace." So says the LORD who loves you.
Ezekiel 36:25-27
I will sprinkle clean water on you and make you clean from all your idols and everything else that has defiled you.
I will give you a new heart and a new mind. I will take away your stubborn heart of stone and give you an obedient heart.
I will put my spirit in you and will see to it that you follow my laws and keep all the commands I have given you.
Isaiah 32:15
But once more God will send us his spirit. The wasteland will become fertile, and fields will produce rich crops.
Isaiah 44:3-5
"I will give water to the thirsty land and make streams flow on the dry ground. I will pour out my spirit on your children and my blessing on your descendants.
They will thrive like well-watered grass, like willows by streams of running water.
"One by one, people will say, 'I am the LORD's.' They will come to join the people of Israel. They each will mark the name of the LORD on their arms and call themselves one of God's people."
Isaiah 59:20
The LORD says to his people, "I will come to Jerusalem to defend you and to save all of you that turn from your sins.
Isaiah 59:21
And I make a covenant with you: I have given you my power and my teachings to be yours forever, and from now on you are to obey me and teach your children and your descendants to obey me for all time to come."
Joel 2:28
"Afterward I will pour out my Spirit on everyone: your sons and daughters will proclaim my message; your old people will have dreams, and your young people will see visions.
Zechariah 12:10
"I will fill the descendants of David and the other people of Jerusalem with the spirit of mercy and the spirit of prayer. They will look at the one whom they stabbed to death, and they will mourn for him like those who mourn for an only child. They will mourn bitterly, like those who have lost their first-born son.
Acts 2:17
'This is what I will do in the last days, God says: I will pour out my Spirit on everyone. Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message; your young men will see visions, and your old men will have dreams.
Acts 2:18
Yes, even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will proclaim my message.
Acts 2:33
He has been raised to the right side of God, his Father, and has received from him the Holy Spirit, as he had promised. What you now see and hear is his gift that he has poured out on us.
1 John 3:24
Those who obey God's commands live in union with God and God lives in union with them. And because of the Spirit that God has given us we know that God lives in union with us.