Bible Cross References
1 Samuel 22:2
And everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was of a bitter soul gathered to him. So he became commander over them. And there were about four hundred men with him.
1 Samuel 25:17
Now therefore, know and consider what you will do, for harm is determined against our master and against all his household. For he is a son of worthlessness, that no one can speak to him.
1 Samuel 25:25
Please, let not my lord set his heart on this man of worthlessness, Nabal. For as his name is, so is he: Nabal is his name, and folly is with him. But I, your handmaid, did not see the young men of my lord whom you sent.
Deuteronomy 13:13
Corrupt men have gone out from among you and impelled the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which you have not known;
Judges 19:22
Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, certain men of the city, sons of wickedness surrounded the house and beat on the door. They spoke to the master of the house, the old man, saying, Bring out the man who has come to your house, that we may know him.
1 Kings 21:10
and seat two men, sons of worthlessness, before him to bear witness against him, saying, You have blasphemed God and the king. Then take him out, and stone him, that he may die.
1 Kings 21:13
And two men, sons of worthlessness, came in and sat before him; and the men of worthlessness testified against him, against Naboth, before the people, saying, Naboth has blasphemed God and the king! Then they took him outside the city and stoned him with stones, so that he died.
Matthew 7:12
Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.