Bible Cross References
Judges 5:14
Out of Ephraim were those whose roots were in Amalek. After you, Benjamin, with your peoples, from Machir came down governors, and from Zebulun those who bear the staff of scribes.
Psalm 83:6
The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab and the Hagrites;
the city
Judges 1:16
Now the children of the Kenite, Moses' father-in-law, had gone up from the City of Palms with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah, which lies in the south of Arad; and they went and dwelt among the people.
Deuteronomy 34:3
the south, and the plain of the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees, as far as Zoar.
Psalm 83:7
Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre;