Bible Cross References
two hundred
Isaiah 46:6
They pour gold out of the bag, and weigh silver out on the measuring rod, and hire a goldsmith; and he makes it into a god; they prostrate themselves, yea, they bow down.
Isaiah 46:7
They carry it on the shoulder, they carry it and set it in its place, and it stands; it shall not move from its place. Yes, one shall cry unto it, yet it cannot answer, nor save him out of his trouble.
Jeremiah 10:9
Silver beaten into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the craftsman, and of the hands of the goldsmith. Violet and purple is their clothing; they are all the work of skillful ones.
Jeremiah 10:10
But Jehovah is the true God, He is the living God, and the eternal King. At His wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to endure His indignation.