Bible Cross References
Joshua 18:13
The border went over from there toward Luz, beside Luz (which is Bethel) southward; and the border descended to Ataroth Addar, near the hill that is on the south side of Lower Beth Horon.
1 Kings 9:15-17
And this is the reason for the labor force which King Solomon raised: to build the house of Jehovah, his own house, the Millo, the wall of Jerusalem, Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer.
(Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up and taken Gezer and burned it with fire, had killed the Canaanites who dwelt in the city, and had given it as a dowry to his daughter, Solomon's wife.)
And Solomon built Gezer, lower Beth Horon,
1 Chronicles 7:24
His daughter was Sheerah, who built lower and upper Beth Horon and Uzzen Sheerah;
1 Chronicles 7:28
Their possessions and dwelling places: Bethel and its daughter-villages, to the east Naaran, to the west Gezer and its daughter-villages, and Shechem and its daughter- villages, as far as Azzah and its daughter-villages;
2 Chronicles 8:5
He built upper Beth Horon and lower Beth Horon, fortified cities with walls, gates, and bars;
Numbers 34:6
As for the western border, you shall have the Great Sea for a border; this shall be your western border.