Bible Cross References
John 16:30
Now we are sure that You know all things, and have no need that anyone should question You. By this we believe that You came forth from God.
John 2:24
But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew everyone,
John 2:25
and had no need that anyone should bear witness of man, for He knew what was in man.
John 21:17
He said to him the third time, Simon, son of Jonah, are you deeply fond of Me? Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, Are you deeply fond of Me? And he said to Him, Lord, You discern all things; You know that I am deeply fond of You. Jesus said to him, Feed My sheep.
Psalm 139:1-4
i1 [To the chief Musician. A Psalm of David.] i0 par O Jehovah, You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thoughts afar off.
You have sifted through my way of life and my lying down, and are familiar with all my ways.
For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O Jehovah, You know it altogether.
Matthew 6:8
Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
Matthew 9:4
But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, Why do you think evil in your hearts?
Mark 9:33
And He came to Capernaum. And when He was in the house He asked them, What was it you disputed among yourselves on the road?
Mark 9:34
But they kept silent, for on the road they had disputed among themselves as to who was greater.
Hebrews 4:13
And there is no creature that is not revealed in His presence, but all things are naked and laid bare to the eyes of Him to whom we must give answer.
Revelation 2:23
And I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the inner thoughts and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works.
A little
John 16:16
A little while, and you do not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me, because I go away to the Father.
John 7:33
Then Jesus said to them, I shall be with you a little while longer, and then I go to Him who sent Me.
John 13:33
Little children, I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, Where I am going, you are not able to come, so now I say to you.
John 14:19
Yet a little while and the world sees Me no more, but you see Me. Because I live, you will live also.