Bible Cross References
two young
Numbers 28:11
At the beginnings of your months you shall present a burnt offering unto Jehovah: two young bulls, one ram, and seven lambs of the first year, that are whole;
Numbers 28:19
And you shall present an offering by fire as a burnt offering unto Jehovah: two young bulls, one ram, and seven lambs of the first year; ones that are whole.
Leviticus 23:18
And you shall offer with the bread, seven lambs of the first year that are whole, one young bull, and two rams. They shall be a burnt offering unto Jehovah, with their grain offering and their drink offerings, an offering by fire for a soothing aroma unto Jehovah.
Leviticus 23:19
And you shall sacrifice one kid of the goats as a sin offering, and two male lambs of the first year as a sacrifice of peace offerings.