Bible Cross References
a memorial
Leviticus 2:2
He shall bring it to Aaron's sons, the priests, one of whom shall take from it a full handful of fine flour and oil with all the frankincense. And the priest shall burn it as a memorial on the altar with smoke, an offering by fire, a soothing aroma unto Jehovah.
Leviticus 2:9
And the priest shall take from the grain offering a memorial portion, and burn it on the altar with smoke. It is an offering by fire, a soothing aroma unto Jehovah.
Leviticus 2:16
And the priest shall burn the memorial portion with smoke: part of its beaten grain and part of its oil, with all the frankincense, as an offering by fire unto Jehovah.
Leviticus 6:15
And he shall take from it his handful of the fine flour of the grain offering, with its oil, and all the frankincense which is on the grain offering, and shall burn it on the altar with smoke for a soothing aroma, as a memorial unto Jehovah.
Numbers 5:26
and the priest shall take a handful of the offering, as its memorial portion, burn it on the altar with smoke, and afterward make the woman drink the water.
Acts 10:4
And when he observed him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, lord? So he said to him, Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.
Ephesians 5:2
And walk in love, as Christ also loved us and gave Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
Leviticus 1:9
but he shall wash its entrails and its legs with water. And the priest shall burn all of it on the altar with smoke as a burnt offering, an offering by fire, a soothing aroma unto Jehovah.
Leviticus 1:13
but he shall wash the entrails and the legs with water. And the priest shall bring it all and burn it upon the altar with smoke; it is a burnt offering, an offering by fire, a soothing aroma unto Jehovah.
Leviticus 1:17
And he shall cleave it at its wings, but shall not divide it completely; and the priest shall burn it on the altar with smoke, on the wood that is on the fire. It is a burnt offering, an offering by fire, a soothing aroma unto Jehovah.
Leviticus 2:9
And the priest shall take from the grain offering a memorial portion, and burn it on the altar with smoke. It is an offering by fire, a soothing aroma unto Jehovah.
Leviticus 3:4
the two kidneys and the fat that is on them by the flanks, and the fatty lobe attached to the liver above the kidneys, he shall remove;
Leviticus 3:11
and the priest shall burn them with smoke on the altar as a food offering by fire unto Jehovah.
Leviticus 4:35
He shall remove all its fat, as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of the peace offering. And the priest shall burn it on the altar with smoke, according to the offerings by fire unto Jehovah. Thus the priest shall make atonement for his sin that he has sinned, and it shall be forgiven him.