Bible Cross References
Hosea 10:12
Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in kindness. Break up your fallow ground. For it is time to seek Jehovah, until He comes and rains righteousness on you.
Job 4:8
Even as I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same.
Proverbs 22:8
He who sows iniquity shall reap vanity; and the rod of his anger shall fail.
Ecclesiastes 5:16
And this also is a sore evil, that in all, as he came, so shall he go; and what profit does he have who has labored for the wind?
Galatians 6:7
Do not be led astray, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
it hath
Isaiah 17:11
In the day you shall fence in your planting; and in the morning you shall make your seed sprout. But the harvest shall be a heap in the day of sickness and incurable pain.
Jeremiah 12:13
They have sown wheat, but reap thorns. They have tired themselves out, but to no profit. And they shall be ashamed of your harvests because of the fierce anger of Jehovah.
the strangers
Hosea 7:9
Strangers have eaten up his strength, yet he does not know it. Yea, gray hairs are sprinkled here and there on him, yet he does not know it.
Deuteronomy 28:33
A nation whom you have not known shall eat the fruit of your land and your produce, and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually.
Judges 6:3-6
So it was that when Israel had sown, the Midianites would come up; also Amalekites and the sons of the East would come up against them.
And they would encamp against them and destroy the produce of the earth as far as Gaza, and leave no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep nor ox nor donkey.
For they would come up with their livestock and their tents, coming in as numerous as the abundance of locusts; both they and their camels were without number; and they would enter the land to destroy it.
And Israel was brought exceedingly low before Midian, and the children of Israel cried out unto Jehovah.
2 Kings 13:3-7
And the anger of Jehovah burned against Israel, and He delivered them into the hand of Hazael king of Syria, and into the hand of Ben-Hadad the son of Hazael, all their days.
So Jehoahaz entreated Jehovah, and Jehovah gave heed to his face; for He saw the oppression of Israel, because the king of Syria oppressed them.
And Jehovah gave Israel a savior, so that they escaped from under the hand of the Syrians; and the children of Israel dwelt in their tents as before.
Nevertheless they did not depart from the sins of the house of Jeroboam, who had made Israel sin, but walked in them; and the groves also remained in Samaria.
For he did not leave to Jehoahaz any of the people except for fifty horsemen, ten chariots, and ten thousand foot soldiers; for the king of Syria had destroyed them and made them like the dust at threshing.
2 Kings 15:19
And Pul king of Assyria came against the land; and Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of silver, that his hand might be with him to strengthen the kingdom under his hand.
2 Kings 15:29
In the days of Pekah king of Israel, Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria came and took Ijon, Abel Beth Maachah, Janoah, Kedesh, Hazor, Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali; and he carried them captive to Assyria.