Bible Cross References
shall do
Daniel 11:3
And a mighty king shall stand up who shall rule with great authority and do according to his will.
Daniel 11:36
And the king shall do according to his own will. And he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god; he shall even speak extraordinary things against the Mighty God of gods and shall prosper until the indignation is complete. For that which is decreed shall be done.
Daniel 8:4
I saw the ram pushing westward and northward and southward, so that no beasts could stand before him, and no one could deliver out of his hand. But he did according to his will and became great.
Daniel 8:7
And I saw him come close to the ram. And he was enraged against him. And he struck the ram and broke his two horns. And there was no power in the ram to stand before him. But he threw him down to the ground and trampled him. And there was no one that could deliver the ram from his hand.
glorious land
Daniel 11:41
And he shall enter into the glorious land, and many will stumble. But these shall escape out of his hand: Edom and Moab, and the chief of the sons of Ammon.
Daniel 11:45
And he shall plant his palace tents between the seas, in the glorious holy mountain. Yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him.
Daniel 8:9
And out of one of them came a little horn which became very great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the beautiful land.
Isaiah 8:8
And he shall pass through Judah. He shall overflow and go over; he shall reach to the neck. And the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of Your land, O Immanuel.
Jeremiah 3:19
But I said, How shall I put you among the children, and give you a pleasant land, a beautiful inheritance among the multitudes of nations! And I said, You shall call Me, My Father, and shall not turn away from Me.