Bible Cross References
the seller
Ecclesiastes 8:8
No one has power over the spirit to restrain the spirit; nor power in the day of death; and there is no discharge from that war; nor shall wickedness deliver its owners.
Leviticus 25:24-28
And in all the land of your possession you shall grant redemption of the land.
If one of your brethren becomes poor, and has sold some of his possession, and if his redeeming relative comes to redeem it, then he may redeem what his brother sold.
Or if the man has no one to redeem it, but he himself becomes able to redeem it,
then let him count the years since its sale, and restore the remainder to the man to whom he sold it, that he may return to his possession.
But if he is not able to have it restored to himself, then what was sold shall remain in the hand of him who bought it until the Year of Jubilee; and in the Jubilee it shall go out, and he shall return to his possession.
Leviticus 25:31-28
Ezekiel 13:22
Because with lies you have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not pained; and you have strengthened the hands of the wicked, so that he does not turn from his wicked way to restore his life.
Ezekiel 33:26
You rely on your sword, you commit abominations, and you defile each one his neighbor's wife. Shall you then possess the land?
Ezekiel 33:27
Say thus to them, Thus says the Lord Jehovah: As I live, surely those who are in the ruins shall fall by the sword, and the one who is in the open field I will give to the beasts to be devoured, and those who are in the strongholds and caves shall die of the pestilence.
Job 15:25
For he stretches out his hand against the Mighty God, and acts defiantly against the Almighty,
Psalm 52:7
Behold, the man who did not make God his strength, but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and was strong in his wickedness.