Bible Cross References
the lamb
2 Samuel 8:2
And he struck Moab, made them lie down on the ground, and measured them off with a line. With two lines he measured off those to be put to death, and with one full line those to be kept alive. Thus the Moabites became David's servants, and brought tribute.
2 Kings 3:4
Now Mesha the king of Moab was a raiser of sheep, and he had brought to the king of Israel one hundred thousand lambs and the wool of one hundred thousand rams.
Ezra 7:17
now therefore, be diligent to buy with this money bulls, rams, and lambs, with their grain offerings and their drink offerings, and offer them on the altar of the house of your God in Jerusalem.
2 Kings 14:7
He killed ten thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt, and took Sela by war, and called its name Joktheel to this day.
the mount
Isaiah 10:32
Yet he shall remain at Nob that day; he shall shake his fist against the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem.
Micah 4:8
And you, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, it shall come to you. And the rule of the chief ones shall come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.