Bible Cross References
Exodus 32:3
So all the people broke off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them to Aaron.
Numbers 31:50
Therefore we have brought an offering unto Jehovah, from what every man has found of articles of gold: armlets and bracelets and rings and earrings and ornaments, to make atonement for ourselves before Jehovah.
Isaiah 3:19
the pendants, and the bracelets, and the veils;
Ezekiel 16:11
I adorned you with ornaments, put bracelets on your wrists, and a chain on your neck.
every man
1 Chronicles 29:6
Then the heads of the fathers, chiefs of the tribes of Israel, the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, with the officers over the king's business, offered free-will offerings.
1 Chronicles 29:7
They gave for the service of the house of God five thousand talents and ten thousand darics of gold, ten thousand talents of silver, eighteen thousand talents of bronze, and one hundred thousand talents of iron.
2 Chronicles 24:9-14
And they made a proclamation throughout Judah and Jerusalem to bring to Jehovah the offering that Moses the servant of God had laid upon Israel in the wilderness.
And all the rulers and all the people rejoiced, brought and threw into the chest until they were all finished.
So it was, at that time, when the chest was brought to the king's official by the hand of the Levites, and when they saw that there was much money, that the king's scribe and the high priest's officer came and emptied the chest, and took it and returned it to its place. Thus they did day by day, and gathered money in abundance.
And the king and Jehoiada gave it to those who did the work of the service of the house of Jehovah; and they hired masons and craftsmen to repair the house of Jehovah, and also craftsmen in iron and bronze to restore the house of Jehovah.
So the workmen labored, and the work of restoration excelled in their hands; they built up the house of God to its proper measure and strengthened it.
When they had finished, they brought the rest of the money before the king and Jehoiada; they made from it vessels for the house of Jehovah, utensils for serving and offering, spoons and vessels of gold and silver. And they offered burnt offerings in the house of Jehovah continually all the days of Jehoiada.
Ezra 2:68
Some of the heads of the fathers, when they came to the house of Jehovah which is in Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God, to erect it in its place:
Ezra 2:69
According to their ability, they gave to the treasury for the work sixty-one thousand gold drachmas, five thousand minas of silver, and one hundred priestly garments.
Nehemiah 7:70-72
And some of the heads of the fathers gave to the work. The governor gave to the treasury one thousand gold drachmas, fifty basins, and five hundred and thirty priestly garments.
Some of the heads of the fathers gave to the treasury of the work twenty thousand gold drachmas, and two thousand two hundred silver minas.
And that which the rest of the people gave was twenty thousand gold drachmas, two thousand silver minas, and sixty-seven priestly garments.
Isaiah 60:9
Surely the coastlands shall wait for Me, and the ships of Tarshish will come first, to bring your children from afar, their silver and their gold with them, to the name of Jehovah your God, and to the Holy One of Israel, because He has glorified you.
Isaiah 60:13
The glory of Lebanon shall come to you, the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box tree together, to beautify the place of My sanctuary; and I will make the place of My feet glorious.
Matthew 2:11
And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and did homage to Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Mark 12:41-44
And Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people threw money into the treasury. And many who were rich threw in much.
Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans.
So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, Truly, I say to you that this poor widow has thrown in more than all those who have thrown into the treasury;
for they all threw in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty threw in all that she had, her whole livelihood.