Bible Cross References
Exodus 28:3
And you shall speak to all who are wise-hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron's garments, to consecrate him to serve as priest unto Me.
Exodus 28:4
And these are the garments which they shall make: a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a tunic of woven work, a turban, and a sash. And they shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother and his sons, to serve as priests unto Me.
Numbers 20:26-28
and strip Aaron of his garments and put them on Eleazar his son; for Aaron shall be gathered to his people and die there.
And Moses did as Jehovah commanded, and they went up to Mount Hor before the eyes of all the congregation.
Moses stripped Aaron of his garments and put them on Eleazar his son; and Aaron died there on the top of the mountain. And Moses and Eleazar came down from the mountain.
Exodus 29:5-7
And you shall take the garments, put the tunic on Aaron, and the robe of the ephod, the ephod, and the breastplate, and gird him with the intricately woven band of the ephod.
You shall put the turban on his head, and put the holy crown upon the turban.
And you shall take the anointing oil, pour it upon his head, and anoint him.
Exodus 30:30
And you shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them, to serve Me as priests.
Exodus 40:15
You shall anoint them, as you anointed their father, and they shall serve Me as priests; for their anointing shall be a perpetual priesthood throughout their generations.
Leviticus 8:7-12
And he put the tunic on him, girded him with the sash, clothed him with the robe, and put the ephod on him; and he girded him with the intricately woven band of the ephod, and with it tied the ephod on him.
And he put the breastplate on him, and he put the Urim and the Thummim in the breastplate.
And he put the turban on his head. Also on the turban, on its front, he put the golden plate, the holy crown, as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Also Moses took the anointing oil, and anointed the tabernacle and all that was in it, and consecrated them.
He sprinkled some of it on the altar seven times, anointed the altar and all its utensils, and the laver and its base, to consecrate them.
And he poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron's head and anointed him, to consecrate him.
Numbers 18:8
And Jehovah spoke to Aaron: I, behold I have also given you the charge of My heave offerings, all the holy things of the children of Israel; I have given them to you and your sons because of the anointing, as a perpetual ordinance.
Numbers 35:25
Thus the congregation shall deliver the manslayer out of the hand of the kinsman avenger of blood, and the congregation shall return him to the city of refuge where he had fled, and he shall remain there until the death of the high priest who was anointed with the holy oil.