Bible Cross References
Also thou
Exodus 29:13
And you shall take all the fat that covers the entrails, the fatty lobe attached to the liver, and the two kidneys and the fat that is on them, and burn them on the altar with smoke.
Leviticus 8:25-27
And he took the fat and the fat tail, all the fat that was on the entrails, the fatty lobe attached to the liver, the two kidneys and their fat, and the right thigh;
and from the basket of unleavened bread that was before Jehovah he took one unleavened cake, a cake of bread anointed with oil, and one wafer, and put them on the fat and on the right thigh;
and he put all these in Aaron's hands and in his sons' hands, and waved them as a wave offering before Jehovah.
the rump
Leviticus 3:9
And he shall offer from the sacrifice of the peace offering, as an offering by fire unto Jehovah, its fat and the whole fat tail which he shall remove close to the backbone. And the fat that covers the entrails and all the fat that is on the entrails,
Leviticus 7:3
And he shall offer from it all its fat. The fat tail and the fat that covers the entrails,
Leviticus 9:19
and the fat from the bull and the ram; the fatty tail, that covers the entrails and the kidneys, and the fatty lobe attached to the liver;
right shoulder
Leviticus 7:32
Also the right thigh you shall give to the priest as a heave offering from the sacrifices of your peace offerings.
Leviticus 7:33
He among the sons of Aaron, who offers the blood of the peace offering and the fat, shall have the right thigh for his portion.
Leviticus 9:21
And the breasts and the right thigh Aaron waved as a wave offering before Jehovah, as Moses had commanded.
Leviticus 10:14
The breast of the wave offering and the thigh of the heave offering you shall eat in a clean place, you, your sons, and your daughters with you; for they are your due and your sons' due, which are given from the sacrifices of peace offerings of the children of Israel.
Numbers 18:18
And their flesh shall be yours, as the wave breast and the right thigh are yours.