Bible Cross References
the blood
Leviticus 8:15
and Moses killed it. And he took the blood, and put some on the horns of the altar all around with his finger, and purified the altar. And he poured the blood at the base of the altar, and consecrated it, to make atonement on it.
Leviticus 9:9
And the sons of Aaron brought the blood to him. And he dipped his finger in the blood, put it on the horns of the altar, and poured the blood at the base of the altar.
Leviticus 16:14
And he shall take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with his finger on the mercy seat on the east side; and before the mercy seat he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times.
Leviticus 16:18
And he shall go out to the altar that is before Jehovah, and make atonement for it, and shall take some of the blood of the bull and some of the blood of the goat, and put it on the horns of the altar all around.
Leviticus 16:19
And he shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times, cleanse it, and sanctify it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.
Hebrews 9:13
For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh,
Hebrews 9:14
how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
Hebrews 9:22
And according to the Law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.
Hebrews 10:4
For it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.
the horns
Exodus 27:2
And you shall make its horns on its four corners; its horns shall be of one piece with it. And you shall overlay it with bronze.
Exodus 30:2
A cubit shall be its length and a cubit its width; it shall be square; and two cubits shall be its height. Its horns shall be from the same piece.
Exodus 38:2
He made its horns on its four corners; the horns were of one piece with it. And he overlaid it with bronze.
pour all
Leviticus 4:7
And the priest shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar of spiced incense before Jehovah, which is in the tent of meeting; and he shall pour the remaining blood of the bull at the base of the altar of the burnt offering, which is at the door of the tent of meeting.
Leviticus 4:18
And he shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar which is before Jehovah, which is in the tent of meeting; and he shall pour the remaining blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the door of the tent of meeting.
Leviticus 4:25
And the priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour its blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering.
Leviticus 4:30
And the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger, put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour all the remaining blood at the base of the altar.
Leviticus 4:34
The priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour all the remaining blood at the base of the altar.
Leviticus 5:9
And he shall sprinkle some of the blood of the sin offering on the side of the altar, and the rest of the blood shall be drained out at the base of the altar. It is a sin offering.
Leviticus 9:9
And the sons of Aaron brought the blood to him. And he dipped his finger in the blood, put it on the horns of the altar, and poured the blood at the base of the altar.