Bible Cross References
A seed
Isaiah 53:10
Yet it pleased Jehovah to crush Him; to grieve Him; that He should give His soul as a sin-offering. He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, and the delight of Jehovah shall prosper in His hand.
Hebrews 2:13
And again: I will put My trust in Him. And again: Here am I and the children whom God has given Me.
it shall
Psalm 14:5
There they were in great fear; for God is in the generation of the righteous.
Psalm 24:6
This is the generation of Jacob of those who seek Him, who seek Your face. Selah.
Psalm 73:15
If I had said, I will speak thus; behold, I would have deceived a generation of Your sons.
Psalm 87:6
Jehovah will take account, when He registers the peoples: This one was born there. Selah
Matthew 3:9
and do not think to say within yourselves, We have Abraham as our father. For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.
Galatians 3:26-29
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
For as many of you as were immersed into Christ have put on Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
1 Peter 2:9
But you are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of His possession, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;