Bible Cross References
2 Chronicles 34:1
Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem.
Deuteronomy 9:21
And I took your sin, the calf which you had made, and burned it with fire and crushed and ground it thoroughly, until it was as fine as dust; and I threw its dust into the brook that was coming down from the mountain.
he returned
2 Chronicles 31:1
Now when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah and broke the sacred pillars in pieces, chopped down the groves, and threw down the high places and the altars; from all Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh; until they had utterly destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned to their own cities, each to his possession.