Bible Cross References
the kings
2 Chronicles 33:4-7
He also built altars in the house of Jehovah, of which Jehovah had said, In Jerusalem shall My name be always.
And he built altars for all the host of the heavens in the two courts of the house of Jehovah.
He also caused his sons to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom; he practiced fortunetelling, witchcraft and sorcery, and consulted mediums and necromancers. He did much evil in the eyes of Jehovah, to provoke Him to anger.
And he set a graven image, the idol which he had made, in the house of God, of which God had said to David and to Solomon his son, In this house and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put My name always;
2 Chronicles 33:22-7