Bible Cross References
he arose
Acts 23:18
So he took him and brought him to the commander and said, Paul the prisoner called me to him and asked me to bring this young man to you. He has something to say to you.
Acts 23:19
Then the commander took him by the hand, went aside and asked privately, What is it that you have to tell me?
I have anointed
2 Kings 9:3
take the flask of oil, and pour it on his head, and say, Thus says Jehovah: I have anointed you king over Israel. And when you have opened the door and fled, do not delay.
1 Kings 1:34
There let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him king over Israel; and blow the shofar, and say, Long live King Solomon!
1 Kings 19:16
Also you shall anoint Jehu the son of Nimshi as king over Israel. And Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place.
2 Chronicles 22:7
Now Ahaziah's destruction, when he went to Joram, was from God; for when he came, he went out with Jehoram against Jehu the son of Nimshi, whom Jehovah had anointed to cut off the house of Ahab.
Psalm 2:6
Yet, I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.
Psalm 75:6
For exaltation comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
Isaiah 45:1
Thus says Jehovah to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have strengthened in order to subdue nations before him. And I will loosen the loins of kings, to open before him the gates; and the gates shall not be shut.
Daniel 2:21
And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings, and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who have understanding.
Daniel 4:17
This sentence is by the decree of the watchers, and the command by the word of the holy ones, in order that the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever He wills, and sets up over it the lowest of men.
Daniel 4:32
And you shall be driven from men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. You shall be fed with grass like oxen, and seven times shall pass over you until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of men, and that He gives it to whomever He desires.
Daniel 5:20
But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride, he was deposed from the throne of his kingdom, and they took his glory from him.
Daniel 5:21
And he was driven from the sons of men. And his heart was made like the animals, and his home was with the wild asses. They fed him with grass like oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of the heavens, until he knew that the Most High God is Ruler in the kingdom of men, and that He appoints over it whomever He desires.
over the people
1 Kings 3:8
And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen, a people too numerous to be numbered or counted for multitude.
1 Kings 10:9
Blessed is Jehovah your God, who has delighted in you, setting you on the throne of Israel! Because of Jehovah's eternal love for Israel, therefore He made you king, to execute justice and righteousness.
1 Kings 14:7
Go, say to Jeroboam, Thus says Jehovah the God of Israel: Because I have exalted you from among the people, and appointed you ruler over My people Israel,
1 Kings 16:2
Inasmuch as I raised you up out of the dust and made you ruler over My people Israel, and you have walked in the ways of Jeroboam, and have made My people Israel sin, to provoke Me to anger with their sins,