Bible Cross References
2 Kings 9:32
And he lifted up his face to the window, and said, Who is on my side? Who? And two or three officials looked down at him.
Genesis 37:36
Now the Midianites had sold him in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh and captain of the guard.
1 Chronicles 28:1
Now David assembled at Jerusalem all the rulers of Israel: the chiefs of the tribes and the leaders of the divisions who served the king, the commanders over thousands and commanders over hundreds, and the officials over all the substance and possessions of the king and of his sons, with the overseers, the mighty men, and all the men of valor.
Restore all
Deuteronomy 22:2
And if your brother is not near you, or if you do not know him, then you shall bring it to your own house, and it shall remain with you until your brother seeks for it; and you shall restore it to him.
Judges 11:13
And the king of the children of Ammon answered the messengers of Jephthah, Because Israel took away my land when they came up out of Egypt, from the Arnon as far as the Jabbok, and to the Jordan. Now therefore, restore those lands peaceably.
2 Samuel 9:7
And David said to him, Do not fear, for I will bring about to deal with you in kindness because of Jonathan your father, and will restore to you all the land of Saul your father; and you shall eat bread at my table continually.
Proverbs 16:7
When a man's ways please Jehovah, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Proverbs 21:1
The king's heart is in the hand of Jehovah; like rivers of water, He turns it wherever He pleases.