Bible Cross References
Matthew 26:73
After a little while the men standing there came to Peter. "Of course you are one of them," they said. "After all, the way you speak gives you away!"
Matthew 26:74
Then Peter said, "I swear that I am telling the truth! May God punish me if I am not! I do not know that man!" Just then a rooster crowed,
Mark 14:69
The servant woman saw him there and began to repeat to the bystanders, "He is one of them!"
Mark 14:70
But Peter denied it again. A little while later the bystanders accused Peter again, "You can't deny that you are one of them, because you, too, are from Galilee."
John 18:26
One of the High Priest's slaves, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, spoke up. "Didn't I see you with him in the garden?" he asked.
John 18:27
Again Peter said "No"---and at once a rooster crowed.