Bible Cross References
Matthew 2:3
When King Herod heard about this, he was very upset, and so was everyone else in Jerusalem.
Ruth 1:19
They went on until they came to Bethlehem. When they arrived, the whole town became excited, and the women there exclaimed, "Is this really Naomi?"
1 Samuel 16:4
Samuel did what the LORD told him to do and went to Bethlehem, where the city leaders came trembling to meet him and asked, "Is this a peaceful visit, seer?"
John 12:16-19
His disciples did not understand this at the time; but when Jesus had been raised to glory, they remembered that the scripture said this about him and that they had done this for him.
The people who had been with Jesus when he called Lazarus out of the grave and raised him from death had reported what had happened.
That was why the crowd met him---because they heard that he had performed this miracle.
The Pharisees then said to one another, "You see, we are not succeeding at all! Look, the whole world is following him!"
Song of Songs 3:6
What is this coming from the desert like a column of smoke, fragrant with incense and myrrh, the incense sold by the traders?
Isaiah 63:1
"Who is this coming from the city of Bozrah in Edom? Who is this so splendidly dressed in red, marching along in power and strength?" It is the LORD, powerful to save, coming to announce his victory.
Luke 5:21
The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees began to say to themselves, "Who is this man who speaks such blasphemy! God is the only one who can forgive sins!"
Luke 7:49
The others sitting at the table began to say to themselves, "Who is this, who even forgives sins?"
Luke 9:9
Herod said, "I had John's head cut off; but who is this man I hear these things about?" And he kept trying to see Jesus.
Luke 20:2
and said to him, "Tell us, what right do you have to do these things? Who gave you such right?"
John 2:18
The Jewish authorities came back at him with a question, "What miracle can you perform to show us that you have the right to do this?"
Acts 9:5
"Who are you, Lord?" he asked. "I am Jesus, whom you persecute," the voice said.
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