Bible Cross References
And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words unto them.
Ezekiel 3:11
Then go to the people of your nation who are in exile and tell them what I, the Sovereign LORD, am saying to them, whether they pay attention to you or not."
Ezekiel 2:3
"Mortal man, I am sending you to the people of Israel. They have rebelled and turned against me and are still rebels, just as their ancestors were.
Ezekiel 2:7
You will tell them whatever I tell you to say, whether they listen or not. Remember what rebels they are.
Matthew 10:5
These twelve men were sent out by Jesus with the following instructions: "Do not go to any Gentile territory or any Samaritan towns.
Matthew 10:6
Instead, you are to go to the lost sheep of the people of Israel.
Matthew 15:24
Then Jesus replied, "I have been sent only to the lost sheep of the people of Israel."
Acts 1:8
But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."