Bible Cross References
he carried
2 Kings 20:17
a time is coming when everything in your palace, everything that your ancestors have stored up to this day, will be carried off to Babylonia. Nothing will be left.
Isaiah 39:6
a time is coming when everything in your palace, everything that your ancestors have stored up to this day, will be carried off to Babylonia. Nothing will be left.
Jeremiah 20:5
I will also let their enemies plunder all the wealth of this city and seize all its possessions and property, even the treasures of the kings of Judah, and carry everything off to Babylonia.
and cut
2 Kings 25:13-15
The Babylonians broke in pieces the bronze columns and the carts that were in the Temple, together with the large bronze tank, and they took all the bronze to Babylon.
They also took away the shovels and the ash containers used in cleaning the altar, the tools used in tending the lamps, the bowls used for catching the blood from the sacrifices, the bowls used for burning incense, and all the other bronze articles used in the Temple service.
They took away everything that was made of gold or silver, including the small bowls and the pans used for carrying live coals.
Ezra 1:7-11
Emperor Cyrus gave them back the bowls and cups that King Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem and had put in the temple of his gods.
He handed them over to Mithredath, chief of the royal treasury, who made an inventory of them for Sheshbazzar, the governor of Judah,
as follows: gold bowls for offerings - 30; silver bowls for offerings - 1,000; other bowls - 29; small gold bowls - 30; small silver bowls - 410; other utensils - 1,000
(SEE 1:9)
In all there were 5,400 gold and silver bowls and other articles which Sheshbazzar took with him when he and the other exiles went from Babylon to Jerusalem.
Jeremiah 27:16-21
Then I told the priests and the people that the LORD had said: "Do not listen to the prophets who say that the Temple treasures will soon be brought back from Babylonia. They are lying to you.
Don't listen to them! Submit to the king of Babylonia and you will live! Why should this city become a pile of ruins?
If they are really prophets and if they have my message, let them ask me, the LORD Almighty, not to allow the treasures that remain in the Temple and in the royal palace to be taken to Babylonia."
(When King Nebuchadnezzar took away to Babylonia the king of Judah, Jehoiachin son of Jehoiakim, and the leading men of Judah and Jerusalem, he left the columns, the bronze tank, the carts, and some of the other Temple treasures.)
(SEE 27:19)
"Listen to what I, the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, say about the treasures that are left in the Temple and in the royal palace in Jerusalem:
Jeremiah 28:3
Within two years I will bring back to this place all the Temple treasures that King Nebuchadnezzar took to Babylonia.
Jeremiah 28:4
I will also bring back the king of Judah, Jehoiachin son of Jehoiakim, along with all of the people of Judah who went into exile in Babylonia. Yes, I will break the power of the king of Babylonia. I, the LORD, have spoken."
Jeremiah 28:6
"Wonderful! I hope the LORD will do this! I certainly hope he will make your prophecy come true and will bring back from Babylonia all the Temple treasures and all the people who were taken away as prisoners.
Daniel 5:2
While they were drinking, Belshazzar gave orders to bring in the gold and silver cups and bowls which his father Nebuchadnezzar had carried off from the Temple in Jerusalem. The king sent for them so that he, his noblemen, his wives, and his concubines could drink out of them.
Daniel 5:3
At once the gold cups and bowls were brought in, and they all drank wine out of them
which Solomon
1 Kings 7:48-50
Solomon also had gold furnishings made for the Temple: the altar, the table for the bread offered to God,
the ten lampstands that stood in front of the Most Holy Place, five on the south side and five on the north; the flowers, lamps, and tongs;
the cups, lamp snuffers, bowls, dishes for incense, and the pans used for carrying live coals; and the hinges for the doors of the Most Holy Place and of the outer doors of the Temple. All these furnishings were made of gold.
2 Chronicles 4:7-22
They made ten gold lampstands according to the usual pattern, and ten tables, and placed them in the main room of the Temple, five lampstands and five tables on each side. They also made a hundred gold bowls.
(SEE 4:7)
They made an inner courtyard for the priests, and also an outer courtyard. The doors in the gates between the courtyards were covered with bronze.
The tank was placed near the southeast corner of the Temple.
Huram also made pots, shovels, and bowls. He completed all the objects that he had promised King Solomon he would make for the Temple: The two columns The two bowl-shaped capitals on top of the columns The design of interwoven chains on each capital The 400 bronze pomegranates arranged in two rows around the design of each capital The ten carts The ten basins The tank The twelve bulls supporting the tank The pots, shovels, and forks Huram the master metalworker made all these objects out of polished bronze, as King Solomon had commanded, for use in the Temple of the LORD.
(SEE 4:11)
(SEE 4:11)
(SEE 4:11)
(SEE 4:11)
(SEE 4:11)
The king had them all made in the foundry between Sukkoth and Zeredah in the Jordan Valley.
So many objects were made that no one determined the total weight of the bronze used.
King Solomon also had gold furnishings made for the Temple: the altar and the tables for the bread offered to God;
the lampstands and the lamps of fine gold that were to burn in front of the Most Holy Place, according to plan;
the flower decorations, the lamps, and the tongs;
the lamp snuffers, the bowls, the dishes for incense, and the pans used for carrying live coals. All these objects were made of pure gold. The outer doors of the Temple and the doors to the Most Holy Place were overlaid with gold.
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